I Don't Want To (but I will) - Teaching Guide
Use these simple guide pages to help teach the content and features of the book "I Don't Want To!" They are presented in "pre-reading, during reading, and post reading" format. For use with "I Don't Want To!" Student Response Page.
I Don't Want To (but I will) - Student Response Page
Students can use this page to critically and creatively respond after listening to or reading the story, connecting the events to their own lives.
I Don't Want To (but I will) - Creative Writing
Doing too much of a thing can lead to trouble, like when Xander ate too much cake. But at the same time, when we use our imagination, we also can have fun with this concept. In this writing activity, the children write a funny story about what happened when they did too much of a particular thing.
I Don't Want To (but I will) - Comprehension Check
Check the children's understanding of the story orally or written, using this quick, circle "yes or no" facts about Xander sheet.
I Don't Want To (but I will) - Rhyme Time with Xander and Alex
Help Xander find the rhyming words from the story, so he can eat his cake!
I Don't Want To! (but I will) - Which One?
Circle the correct option to reflect story comprehension.
The Now Thing - Teaching Guide
Use these simple guide pages to help teach the content and features of the book "The Now Thing." They are presented in "pre-reading, during reading, and post reading" format. For use with "The Now Thing" - Student Response Page.
The Now Thing - Student Response Page
Students can use this page to critically and creatively respond after listening to or reading the story, connecting the events to their own lives.
The Now Thing - Comprehension Check
Check the children's understanding of the story orally or written, using this quick, circle "yes or no" facts about Xander sheet.
The Now Thing - Creative Writing
We never do find out how the robots ended up with their heads on backward in the story Xander was reading. In this writing activity, the children will create their own solution to this mystery.
Count to 100 Days with Xander!
Use the included bulletin board display with Xander and numbered soccer balls to count to 100 days with your students.
The Now Thing - Word Mix Up!
Help Xander sort the vocabulary words by identifying all the food words.
Help Xander sort the vocabulary words by identifying all the food words.
(More challenging version)
The Now Thing - Which One?
Circle the correct option to reflect story comprehension.
What If? - Teaching Guide
Use these simple guide pages to help teach the content and features of the book "What If?." They are presented in "pre-reading, during reading, and post reading" format. For use with "What If?" Student Response Page.
What If?- Student Response Page
Students can use this page to critically and creatively respond after listening to or reading the story, connecting the events to their own lives.
What If?- Comprehension Check
Check the children's understanding of the story orally or written, using this quick, circle "yes or no" facts about Xander sheet.
What If? - Creative Writing
We do not want our minds to create the bad "what if's" in a situation. But what about creating good "what if's?" In this writing activity, the children will create a list of good or funny "what if's" and illustrate their favorite one.
What If? - Rhyme Time with Xander and Alex
Help Xander make pairs by find the vocabulary words that rhyme and writing them in the correct spot.
What If? - Make it Right!
Help teacher Xander how to say things correctly by identifying his mistakes and writing them properly.
What If? - Which One?
Circle the correct option to reflect story comprehension.
What If? - Walking on the Bright Side
Help kids find some good even in the bad!
Xander Reading - Coloring Page
What book is Xander reading? Design his book cover. Include the book description on the back. Color the page.
Xander in PJs - Coloring Page
Design Xander's PJs! Write what Xander is thinking. Color the page.​
Stuck to the Bear - Coloring Page
Draw more things stuck to the bear. Write what Ellie is thinking. Color the page.
Xander's Mess - Coloring Page
Add to Xander's mess! Write what Alex is thinking. Color the page.
Mad Billy - Coloring Page
Draw Alex's sign. Write what Billy is thinking. Color the page.
Marker Mishap - Coloring Page
What is in Xander's classroom? Shelves? Posters? Toys? Books? Draw in the background. Write what Xander is thinking. Color the page.
Goalie - Coloring Page
Design Xander's goalie shirt. Add some fans watching. Write what Xander is thinking. Color the page.
Eating Cake - Coloring Page
Draw Xander's cake. Write what Xander is thinking. Color the page.